Convert unix epoch time to DateTime in C#

I recently had to convert unix epoch time to DateTime and like the rest of the world turned to stackoverflow. The top answer is a very simple solution of adding the unix time, which is in milliseconds, to a DateTime of 1/1/1970.

Nothing wrong with that, but it turns out it was added into DateTimeOffset in .NET 4.6:

static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(long seconds)
static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(long milliseconds)
long DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
long DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()

So now you can do something like:

var dateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(1454049938871);
var dateTime = dateTimeOffset.DateTime;
Console.WriteLine($"The time is {dateTime}");     // The time is 29/01/2016 06:45:38

I cant imagine it will make a massive difference to your application whichever way you choose, but I think its really good that little things like this are still being added to the framework after all this time.

Further Reading

If youre really interested, you can look at the /source and see its pretty much the same thing, but I imagine its slightly more efficient. I guess you could do some metrics, but if converting to and from unix time is the bottleneck in your application I envy you!

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