.NET LINQ Select method in JavaScript

While building a Vue.js component that displayed an array of data, I found myself typing out .NET LINQ methods. Whether that's because of habit or muscle memory I'm not sure, but JavaScript doesn't contain a Select method.

Typically, my mind went blank on what the JavaScript equivalent of LINQ Select was so I had to look it up.

Turns out modern JavaScript has a lot of very similar functionality to LINQ. I'm pretty sure I've got an old notebook with a cheatsheet in it somewhere, but I can't find it, so I am adding it here for safe(r) keeping.

High Level Comparison

At a high level Select "does something" to each element in an IEnumerable<TSource>, giving you back the result as another IEnumerabl<TResult>.

Note that the return type is not necessarily the same as the input as you could create a new type for each element,.

Imagine you have a set of data of some employees. In C# this might look like:

// C#
var employees = new List<Employee>
    new Employee { Name = "Katie", Salary = 50000m, Age = 46 },
    new Employee { Name = "Terry", Salary = 5000m, Age = 16 },
    new Employee { Name = "Fred", Salary = 35000m, Age = 26 },
    new Employee { Name = "Elsie", Salary = 100000m, Age = 36 },

Or in JavaScript, you might have:

// JS
let employees = [
  { Name: "Katie", Salary: 50000, Age: 46 },
  { Name: "Terry", Salary: 5000, Age: 16 },
  { Name: "Fred", Salary: 35000, Age: 26 },
  { Name: "Elsie", Salary: 100000, Age: 36 }

.NET LINQ Select

If you wanted a list of the employees with their name capitalised, you could write the following in C# using LINQ and the Select method:

// C#
employees.Select(v => v.Name.ToUpper());

Please note: In an attempt to keep this to the point, I'm ignoring the fact that LINQ statements are not actually performed until you call something like ToList().

JavaScript equivalent of LINQ Select is Map

If you're able to use JavaScript Arrow Functions, you could write something like:

// JS
employees.map((x) => x.Name.toUpperCase());

Or if you can't use them:

// JS
employees.map(function (x) {
  return x.Name.toUpperCase();

If like me, you like to dig a little deeper into things, please keep reading. If all you needed was a jog of your memory, or you simply don't care, I won't be too upset if you stop reading here.

In depth comparison


The API of both Select and map are actually a little more complex than that.

There's a second overload in .NET's LINQ Select. This overload includes a second parameter that represents the index of the source element.

JavaScript map also provides index as an optional second parameter. It also goes one step further by providing 1 more. This 3rd parameter is the array itself.


There are a couple of key differences you might need to consider.

In .NET LINQ methods are extension methods of IEnumerable<T>. A lot of classes derive from IEnumerable<T> so you can use LINQ on lots of stuff. In JavaScript, it's arrays and arrays only.

Another much bigger difference between .NET Select and JavaScript map is that the .NET methods defer execution. In other words, they are not executed until needed by something like ToList(). In JavaScript, map creates and returns a new array immediately.


Finally, I think it's worth pointing out you can get a much closer to .NET experience in JavaScript if you're willing to pull in an external dependency.

I've not used either, but the following open source libraries look interesting:

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