Add Grunt and ESLint to a MVC Project

This is part two of getting started with ESLint using Grunt where I will show you how to configure ESLint to analyse a MVC .NET Project. In part one I set-up our environment with node.js, Grunt-cli and finally Grunt for our project, but you couldnt do much with it.

In this post, Ill install ESLint, disable all the default ESLint rules, enable one specific some rule and exclude some files from analysis.

Add Grunt and ESLint to a MVC Project
Add Grunt and ESLint to a MVC Project

To recap, I have a new ASP.NET MVC project in c:\myproject\WebApplication1 that also contains a package.json and Gruntfile.js:

C:\myproject\WebApplication1> dir -name

Lets get started.

Step 1 Install ESLint and Grunt-ESLint

Like last time, npm makes installing things trivial. First, install ESLint:

npm install --save-dev eslint

Once thats completed, install the ESLint grunt integration:

npm install --save-dev grunt-eslint

And finally install load-grunt-tasks, which saves a bit of typing in a minute:

npm install --save-dev load-grunt-tasks

Step 2 Configure ESLint


To make our lives easier to change the configuration of ESLint, were going to use an eslint.json file. As you can probably tell from the name, its a text file containing some json that ESLint parses. The ESLint documentation is pretty good at explaining what all the options are, so I wont do that here, but for now just create one containing the following:

    "env": {
        "browser": true,
	"globals": {
        "$": true,
	"rules": {
        no-undef: 1,

This ensures the browser and jQuery (\$) variables are recognised by ESLint so they dont throw false positive. It also enables a single rule no-undef disallow use of undeclared variables unless mentioned in a /*global */ block.

As you will see in a minute, I personally like to disable **all ** the rules, only enabling the ones I explicitly want to use. Thats personal preference, as on legacy systems you can end up with a lot of issues to address which can seem overwhelming.


The next file that we need to create is .eslintignore. As the name suggests, this is an easy way of telling ESLint to ignore certain files and directories. Again I refer you to the documentation for more details, but for now, create an .eslintignore file containing:

# ignore everything in the packages folders

# ignore everything in Scripts except files beginning with "myapp"

This tells ESLint to ignore all files inside the packages directory, i.e. anything youve got from nuget. The last two lines ensures all files except those following your applications naming convention you have a naming convention right? are also ignored, i.e. jquery.<ver>.min.js etc.

Finally, all thats left is to configure Grunt to run ESLint.

Step 3 Configure Grunt to use ESLint

Before explaining the syntax, please edit your Gruntfile.js file to contain:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
	# section 1 - require modules

	# section 2 - configure grunt
		eslint: {
			options: {
				config: 'eslint.json',
				reset: true
			target: ['WebApplication1/**/*.js']

	# section 3 - register grunt tasks
	grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint']);


The more you play with Grunt the more familiar this will be, but its basically made up of 3 sections. Section one lists any requirements (require calls), section 2 is where you initialize Grunt and section 3 where you register tasks.

In this instance, Im configuring a single target called eslint and telling it to use the eslint.json file, turn off all the rules (reset: true) and to search for all JavaScript files inside the target.

Finally I register the eslint target to be the default task. This simply means I can execute grunt instead of grunt eslint.

Which if I do that, I get:

C:\myproject\WebApplication1&gt; grunt
Running "eslint:target" (eslint) task

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

  0:0  warning  File ignored because of your .eslintignore file. Use --no-ignore to override

? 14 problems (0 errors, 14 warnings)

And that's it! ESLint is now analysing the JavaScript files in my MVC project.

Step 4 Next Steps

If youve got this far, youre set to go. You will definitely want to edit the rules youre using, but Ill leave that up to you.

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